Sports Massage – Milton Keynes

Sports Massage Therapy Milton Keynes.
Hi Guys
Just a quick blog to check in with you all, good to see the weather is improving! Also, to let you know I have now completed my advanced sports massage diploma through an accredited international body. This expensive course has taken me over 6 months to complete and has required me to do numerous physical and written exams before qualifying.
I am finding now more and more of you wanting that deeper more advanced deep tissue sports massage due to your hectic lifestyles and gym/exercise routines. In this course I’ve just completed I’ve learnt some really state of the art new techniques to get into all those niggles and to eleviate muscular/skeletal tensions.
Sports Massage therapy if done effectively has a positive response on nearly all bodily systems as well aiding bodily recovery and maintaining performance as well as minimising the risk of injury. Sports massage therapy can also have a very positive effect on mental health as well as it’s a very deep tissue massage.
My sports massage therapy can be combined with the numerous other massage services I provide so please feel free to check these out also if you’d like these included.
I look forward to hearing from you.
Cheers  🙌
WhatsApp 07809732731