Gay Tantric Massage – Milton Keynes, Bedford, Northampton, Cambridge

Gay Tantric  Massage

So one of the most popular male massages I provide now is gay tantric massage.

This style of massage is very similar to others I do and will always start off with a full body naked deep tissue massage with hot massage oils and sometimes massage stones too to relax the client, followed then by a gay tantric style massage which focuses in and around the groinal area, mouth, buttocks, anal region, armpits and nipples.

This is done very slowly, teasingly and sensually in order to stimulate fully the body as a whole, but at the same time not being rushed in anyway. Edging techniques can be used. There’s a real art to this type of massage when it’s done properly.    

Throughout the massage I watch and work with my clients bodily and facial reactions and their body rhythms too in order to master the perfect gay tantric massage and eventually releasing the needed pent up energies from their bodies.

The client or receiver is not a giver of this gay tantric massage but more surrenders to the rediscovery of their own feelings and emotions from the massage. It really is about the client just laying there on the massage couch and letting the gay massage therapist do all the work. This is all about the client and their massage.  

This is a very intimate style of male massage therapy and mutual respect must always be maintained between both the massage therapist and their client.

The whole process of the massage combines the feelings of well being associated with deep relaxation too. The powerful euphoric release obtained from a good gay tantric massage can benefit both mind, body and spirit and put you in a much better place. Even Andrologists now are beginning to recommend it!

For after the massage the body is wiped down and cleansed with hot flannels and towels and you are then provided with rainforest shower facilities, towels and soaps to freshen up with and then given purified drinking water for afterwards.

If you’re interested in making a gay tantric massage appointment in Milton Keynes, Bedford, Cambridge or Northampton areas please don’t hesitate to get in touch.

This massage service is available for male clients only between the ages of 18-50 who are reasonably fit and in good health. 

All clients discretion and confidentiality are maintained.

I really look forward to hearing from you soon.

Ben 😊🖐🖐

WhatsApp 07809732731